Friday, August 24, 2012

School Shopping Management.

Later on today I am going school shopping which I am extremely excited about. Everyone usually gets excited to go school shopping especially if you are a girl. Shopping is our life as girls and I just wanted to share some of my tips and tricks (so scroll down so we can get started).

This is a picture of one of the biggest Forever 21's.
What to get:
My #1 go to place is Forever 21 the reason why is because there are low prices Oh, and you definitely cant forget the gorgeous clothes. I try to shop smart and get things that I not only like but that I love. What I expect to get today is:

  1. White V-Neck
  2. Black Body-Con Skirt
  3. (Any Color) Body-Con Skirt
  4.  Statement Jewelry
  5. Cardigan 

My #2 go to place is PacSun it is a little more expensive but its worth it because there you can find some really unique clothes. A few weeks ago I got some striped white and blue pants with a ripped detail in certain places. What I expect to get today is:

  1.  Ripped Jeans
  2.  (A Few) Shirts
  3. Shoes

My #3 Choice which is last but not least Hollister. It is even more expensive than the last pick and I love Hollister, but when I go there I try to pick out things that don't look like they came from there. All throughout school there is always a copycat I know it's childish but who wants to dress alike? What I expect to get today is:

  1. Regular Jeans
  2. Cardigan
  3. Cami
  4. Ruffled Tee
  5. Brown Belt

I do not know your finatial situation but I am just going to tell you the amount of money I usually get. There should be $100 for essentials, $50 for underwear, $100 for jewelry, $30 for hair acessories and the leftover money for anything else you may want or need.

$200 (or more) Mom
+ $200 (or more) Dad
+ $100 (or more) Grandma & Grandpa (Moms Parents)
+ $100 (or more) Grandma & Grandpa (Dads Parents)
$600 (or more) Total 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Open House!

You'd think Open House was a great way to start the school year, Right? Wrong! I didnt see the two people I wanted to see. I didnt see my crush or my best friend. Story of my life it sucks but I will live hopefully through High School.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back to School Essentials: 101 Back to School

Back to School Essentials:
1. White V-Neck: it is inexspensive and can be found anywhere. My favorite is at Forever 21 and it is only $4.80. (There is a link to the tee)
2. Dark Wash Jeans: You can dress them up or dress the down for a lazy day. My Favorite is at Hollister but if you prefer a different brand it is also great.
3. Cami: You should have one that is white and one that is black because it looks great under any shirt. 
4. Boat Shoes: Boat shoes like Sperrys are comfortable and you can walk for hours in them. If you dont like or have Sperrys you can wear Toms which are also comfortable and look great.
5. Stud Earrings: You can wear them with anything and a lady should always wear earring. 
6. Button Up Top: Casual cute and fun 
7. Headband: You can just brush your hair look put together
8. Light Weight Cardigan: Its comfotable and it can make a plain v-neck look better
9. Flowy/Loose Top: Its comfortable and cute
10. Belt: Completes an outfit

Friday, August 10, 2012

You Know.

You know those days when you are at your friends house and watching a movie and eating oreos doesn't sound to bad. Yet being alone and doing the same makes you feel like a loner. Yet Coco Chanel says "Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door. Take  that as you'd like but every party, dance, football game and club I am invited to I will attend. It's worth having the fun I mean, isn't high school supposed to be the best time of you life?  And school starts in 3 weeks so you better have fun and wear those shorts before the teachers are calling your mom because of dress code violations. Short post but well wrote.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

I meet my neighbors and they are really cool I think I have some new friends. My cousin comes back from Florida Tuesday which will be fun to hear what she did. Well that's about it for my life today. I am starting school shopping which I love shopping. My school preparation are new clothes, nail done, hair done, teeth whiten-ed, contacts, and maybe even getting my eye brows arched for the 1st time. Sounds fun? Yet it is very stressful to complete this very long list.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Have an old tee your willing to sacrifice? Well reuse and recycle them. It's easy to diy a necklace out of an old tee. My creations were based on these picture. How did I make it? Read the steps below to do so. Some of the steps are step-by-step and some steps are written in a paragraph for people who learn differently.

Necklace 1
Step 1:  Take your shirt and cut several 1 inch wide strips of fabric from your shirt (I used 5 strips)
Step 2: Stretch each strip of fabric by pulling on it to make the strip longer
Step 3: Slide one a metal bead (or a bead of your choice) onto each strip of fabric
Step 4: Tie the strips together with a tight knot
Step 5: Cut a 1 inch wide 3 inch long strip to be sown over the knot so the necklace looks store bought

Necklace 2:
For the second necklace take a ribbon and braid it in with with fabric (that you have stretched and braided) stretch different pieces of fabric less to make the draped look.

Necklace 3:
 Then last but not least take an old chain from one of your old not used necklaces take it and braid different colored pieces of the shirt you've cut, and braid them together on top of the chain and tie to secure.